Providing sports equiptment to Williamsburgh Primary School
Alison Vandal, deputy head teacher, said: “On behalf of the school, staff and children we would like to thank the PTA, Williamsburgh Housing Association, and Everwarm Ltd for providing us with such a generous donation of sports equipment.
“This will help support our outdoor curriculum, especially PE and break time activities, which each classroom to get their own pack so that every child benefits, while ensuring we are complying to Covid control measures within the school.”
Bryan Dando, Community Regeneration Officer, added: “This is exactly what Community Benefit Clauses in our work contracts are for, to try and benefit as wide a number of our community members in a positive way.
“It’s great that ourselves and Everwarm could provide the school with a lot of sports equipment, as a lot of children are some of our youngest tenants, so it will be great to see them being even more physically active in the playground.