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Program to change all back door locks in closes

Williamsburgh Housing Association will be undertaking a programme of works to change all back doors locks in common closes from mortice locks to Slip Bolts to result in a quick escape route in the event of Fire.

Back doors may be the only means of escape in the event of a Fire, which would be delayed if a key was needed to open the door. We need to ensure that all residents and visitors have a clear and easily accessible exit route at all times.

Williamsburgh Housing Association have taken guidance from Scotland Fire and Rescue services on which type of lock to install within all common close back doors. They have confirmed the change from mortice locks to slip bolts will significantly enhance the opportunity to escape in the event of Fire and support the change.

Feedback from tenants of where we have fitted them to date has been very positive, with a reported an increased feeling of safety and security for all residents.


Works will incur no charges to residents.

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