Connecting Scotland
We were able to obtain 30 Chromebooks for parents and families and 10 iPads for our elderly tenants to help them connect with the digital world and improve their digital skills.
Each device came with a Mi-Fi device which uses this connection to create a mini wireless broadband cloud or hotspot. This can then be shared between mobile internet-enabled devices — such as smartphones, laptops, tablets and even games consoles — that are within range of its signal. Each of the distributed mi-fi devices have 24 months of unlimited data. During April, our Community Regeneration Officer Bryan was delivering these devices to people’s doorsteps to lots of smiling faces.
Comments from recipients included:
“I’ve been trying to do my beauty course and qualification online through my phone as college is all remote now, so this Chromebook is going to help me out so much”
“I’ve 3 children trying to use my phone to do their homework, so this is perfect, thank you so much”
“I’ve been suffering from depression during lockdown, but I’m starting to feel better, this has made my day”
“I’m going to get this out of the box right now and start job searching as I’ve been trying to do it on my phone, and I’ll be able to type up my CV too”