Compliments and Complaints
We want to hear from you. Whether that's to tell us something has gone well or tell us what we can improve
If we've put a smile on your face then we would love to hear about it. Please complete the online form.
Sometimes, you might just want to tell us about your experience with us; giving us your views or suggestions. We treat this as feedback and you can give this in the following ways:
- Contact us through our contact form
- Call us on 0141 887 8613
- Email us:
- Write to us: Williamsburgh Housing Association, Ralston House, Cyril Street Paisley PA1 1RW
If you are dissatisfied with any aspect of our service, please read on for more information on our complaints process.
If you’re not happy with something we’ve done, your first step should be to let us know. We’ll do everything we can to put it right when you first tell us, but if you feel we haven’t then you might want to make a complaint. We take complaints seriously and would never treat you less favourably as a result of what you’ve told us.
Anyone can make a complaint to us, including the representative of someone who is dissatisfied with our service. You can also seek advice from your local Citizens Advice Bureau.
Please contact us with your complaint within six months of the event.
If you have a complaint about an event that took place longer than six months ago we wouldn’t normally be able to consider it. However, if you feel there are exceptional circumstances then get in touch with us to discuss it further.
You can also make a complaint to The Scottish Housing Regulator. Factsheets with the details are below:
We define a complaint as:
‘an expression of dissatisfaction, however made, about the standard of service, actions or lack of action by Williamsburgh, our staff, or those acting on our behalf, affecting an individual resident or group of residents.’
You can complain about things like:
- Failure to provide a service
- Our standard of service
- Treatment by or attitude of a member of staff
- Our failure to follow Williamsburgh's policies and procedures
- Your complaint may involve more than one of our services or be about someone working on our behalf
Williamsburgh treats all complaints very seriously. If you do make a complaint, we guarantee that we will not treat you less favourably in the future.
If you’d like to complain to us about a noisy neighbour or other anti-social behaviour, please report your issue online
You can make a complaint in the following ways:
- Over the phone: 0141 887 8613
- In writing: Williamsburgh Housing Association, Ralston House, Cyril Street, Paisley PA1 1RW
- By email:
- In person
We will always tell you who is dealing with your complaint.
Normally, you must make your complaint within six months of:
- The event you want to complain about
- Or finding out that you have a reason to complain, but no longer than 12 months after the event itself
Our complaints procedure has two stages:
Stage one – frontline resolution
We aim to resolve complaints quickly. This could mean an on-the-spot apology and explanation if something has clearly gone wrong, and immediate action to resolve the problem.
We will give you our decision at stage one in five working days or less, unless there are exceptional circumstances.
If we can’t resolve your complaint at this stage, we will explain why. If you are still dissatisfied, you can ask for your complaint to be investigated further through stage two.
You may choose to do this immediately or some time after you get our initial response. We can help you with making this request.
Stage two – investigation
Stage two deals with two types of complaint: those that have not been resolved at stage one and those that are complex and require detailed investigation.
When using stage two we will:
- Acknowledge receipt of your complaint within three working days
- Where appropriate, discuss your complaint with you to understand why you remain dissatisfied and what outcome you are looking for
- Give you a full response to the complaint as soon as possible and within 20 working days
- If our investigation will take longer than 20 working days, we will tell you. We will agree revised time limits with you and keep you updated on progress
If you’ve gone through both stages of our complaints process and you’re still not happy then you can:
- Refer your complaint to the Scottish Public Services Ombudsman (SPSO). The event should have happened, or you became aware of it, less than a year ago and is not, and has not been, considered in court
- Take your complaint to the First-tier Tribunal for Scotland (Housing and Property Chamber) if your complaint is about our factoring services
The Scottish Housing Regulator (SHR) can consider issues raised with them about ‘significant performance failures’. This is something that a landlord does or fails to do that puts the interests of its tenants at risk, and which the landlord has not resolved. This is something that is a systematic problem that does, or could, affect all of a landlord’s tenants. If you are affected by a problem like this, you should first report it to us. If you have told us about it but we have not resolved it, you can report it directly to the SHR. A complaint between an individual tenant and a landlord is not a significant performance failure. Significant performance failures are not, therefore, dealt with through this complaints handling procedure. You can ask us for more information about significant performance failure